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France’s age verification process for accessing porn ensures privacy: “Your identity remains anonymous, only your age is verified”

In recent years, governments around the world have become increasingly concerned about the effects of early exposure to pornography on young people. This has prompted many countries to implement age verification systems for access to online pornographic content. Countries such as France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States have already implemented or are considering implementing such systems, and Spain is also preparing its own tool that is expected to be ready by the end of summer.

While there is a growing consensus among nations that young people should be delayed in their initiation of online porn consumption, there is still debate on how best to effectively implement age verification systems without compromising user privacy. Many countries are using various techniques for age verification, including credit card checks, identity card requests, and facial recognition systems. However, all of these methods require users to share sensitive data, raising concerns about privacy and security.

One country that has taken a more privacy-friendly approach to age verification is France. The French government has been testing an online age verification system that does not reveal user identities to verifiers or websites. This method involves a digital intermediary that ensures user anonymity during the age verification process. The French system has been praised for its security and reduced vulnerability to hacking compared to other verification methods.

Spain is also planning to implement an age verification system based on European standards, but details on its implementation and security architecture are still unknown. The EU’s Digital Services Regulation affects major pornography platforms and requires age verification for users. While many platforms currently rely on self-reporting of user age, the regulations aim to enhance verification processes to prevent minors from accessing inappropriate content.

The French age verification system presents significant improvements in terms of privacy and security compared to other methods but is not without its limitations, such as potential lack of anonymity for users outside of France. Nevertheless, it serves as a model for other countries looking for ways

By Samantha Jones

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