Categories: Economy

Collaboration and Human Relationships Key to Lombardy’s Successful Digital Transformation Initiatives

The focus on digital transformation in Lombardy was highlighted during a meeting held at the Department for Digital Transformation branch office in Milan. Undersecretary to the presidency of the Council, Alessio Butti, emphasized the importance of collaboration and human relationships in driving this process. He discussed the tangible improvements in citizens’ daily lives resulting from digital initiatives and stressed the need for continued efforts to enhance efficiency and quality of services.

The meeting was part of the “Pa Digitale 2026 Roadshow Lombardy”, which aimed to assess progress on digitalization projects across different provinces. Municipal administrators and technicians from Milan and Monza Brianza provinces attended, showcasing achievements in their respective regions. Both provinces have reported high participation rates in initiatives such as cloud migration and digital identity adoption.

As a result of significant funding allocated for healthcare institutions, Lombardy ranks third in Italy for digital health initiatives. Additionally, both Milan and Monza Brianza are leading in Electronic Identity Card (Cie) issuance to residents. These outcomes demonstrate Lombardy’s commitment to digital transformation with a focus on innovation and social inclusion.

Overall, the meeting underscored the progress made by different provinces within Lombardy towards digital transformation. Collaboration between municipalities, healthcare institutions, and government bodies is essential for driving these initiatives and improving services for citizens. As Lombardy continues to prioritize digitization, it serves as an example for other regions in Italy to follow suit into embracing the digital age.

Samantha Jones

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Samantha Jones

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